About Course


About the Department

                 In order to cater the trained man power requirements of manufacturing industries, the diploma program in Production Engineering was started in the year 19…. Since its inception, the department has been trying to impart quality education to students and train them to meet the demands of the manufacturing industry. Our diploma program covers a wide range of topics including manufacturing processes, materials science, metrology, tool design, industrial engineering, CAD and more. Our curriculum combines theoretical insights with practical experiences, empowering students to bridge the gap between concepts and real-world applications. Students gain practical experience in our well-equipped workshops, where they learn to operate conventional as well as modern machinery and tools. Mandatory industrial visits and internships provide firsthand experience of real-world manufacturing environments. Engaging projects challenge our students to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing their problem-solving skills. Our dedicated faculty members bring a wealth of industry experience and academic expertise to the classroom, ensuring that students learn from the best in the field. Our alumni are a testament to the success of our program, holding key positions in industries around the globe.